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Monday, February 1, 2010
Well, this is my first ever blog. I figured it's a new year, so I'd try something new; there's one of my resolutions fulfilled right there. I think my purpose for starting up a blog is similar to most peoples'; it's to have an outlet to let my thoughts out and let people know what goes on in my head. I've always wanted to keep an updated blog, but 1) I never knew what to write, and 2) I'd probably never keep up with it.
A big reason why I decided to create one was that I don't think a lot of people that I come across take me seriously because of my laid back and sarcastic personality, so this is one way I can really express myself because behind that joking personality of mine, I'm a guy that thinks a lot. I probably don't analyze things as hard as others do, but surprisingly, my brain creates a lot of thinking.
So, just to list a few things that I would like to get out of this new blogging:
1) Find out more about myself.
2) Get better at expressing myself.
3) Let people know what goes on in my insanely unserious, yet serious, head.

For the first entry, I'll just explain my little "slogan."
I think of myself as a carefree guy who just enjoys laughing about everything and trying to make people laugh. Laughing gets me in trouble sometimes as well. I remember as a kid, I would try to laugh off the awkwardness after my parents punished me for some wrongdoing, and that just put me into a deeper hole because it came off as disrespectful. Obviously I knew that it wasn't the best time to laugh, but it was the only way I knew how to relieve my "stress," for lack of a better word.
Here I am, at 21 years old and I still believe that laughter is the best medicine for anything and everything, and my personality has kind of taken on that persona. I rarely say anything serious in public, and I try to avoid "serious" situations at all costs if I can because there's never anything to laugh about. However, having said that, when a serious situation arises, I know when to tone down, but that's never fun. So I'll just patiently wait and laugh when the time is right.
It also takes a lot to make me really angry, and I mean a lot. You could probably sit there and call me any degrading name you please, but you'd probably have to go through a list of 1,000,000 to get me mad; I'd probably get annoyed around 92,000, but I won't get furious until 1,000,000, so don't try to push my buttons by attempting 1,000,001. I'll eventually just laugh it off, but I'll punch you for good measure.
I think laughter brings people closer together. Most of the memories I have with my friends deal with something funny that happened; something that we laughed all together about. I think that laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Not to sound overconfident with my theory or anything, but I think that a big reason why Michelle and I have been together for almost 3 years is because we always find time to share a laugh together. It's either that or my six pack, but I know it's not my six pack because I have an eight pack.
To make a long story short, just find something to laugh about whenever you can because it's a good feeling, a really good feeling.

"A man isn't poor if he can still laugh." - Raymond Hitchcock


bangshil said...

Its definitely your 6 pack. I mean 8 pack.

gracie. said...

hahaha we love you tist!! and i like your theory.

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