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Friday, February 19, 2010
As most of you guys know, I'm a huge sports fan, so finally I'll dip into that field today, haha. The biggest news this week doesn't seem to be from Vancouver or the NBA trade deadline that moved 43 different players; instead, it was Tiger Woods' apology.
Like a lot of people, Tiger's my favorite athlete, and never would I have thought, in a million years, that something of this magnitude would happen to him. The one thing I always loved about Tiger was his ability to keep his life private away from the media. Next thing you know, he gets into a one-car accident and the whole world goes crazy. My immediate response to the first rumors of his affairs was, "No way, he would never. He has two kids and a hot wife." I guessed completely wrong, but it hasn't changed my view on Tiger significantly. Of course there's that little thing in the back of my mind that says, "Man, what he did is messed up." That being said, people need to get off his back about the whole ordeal. Personal matters should be kept private, and the only people he needs to apologize to are his family, mainly Elin. However, all of this is inevitable considering he's the most well-known figure in modern sports.
So, about his apology. I honestly think he was sincere in his words and that it was truly tough on him to come forward the way he did, but everyone needs some humility right? The world of golf is barely paying attention to what's going on in tournaments, but instead are impatiently waiting for Tiger to show up again. Golf needs Tiger, it's that simple.
One thing that really irked me was Ernie Els' statement prior to Tiger's apology. "His timing is selfish." To explain this to those who don't know, the Accenture Matchplay tournament started this week, and Els is saying that Tiger's conference is overshadowing the event. Ernie, STFU. Tournaments are going to be held week in and week out until the season is over. If Tiger held his apology statement on another day, it would've been bigger news anyways, he's the damn face of the sport. It also doesn't help when one person kicks another while he's down. The PGA is struggling to bring in money during recent events, and it just further solidifies Tiger's place in golf. On the other hand, I applaud the golfers who understand that the situation is a private matter, and that they're in no place to judge Tiger for his actions. They understand that the game is struggling without Tiger, and they just want him back and wish him well.
Everything I'm saying is biased of course, since I am a fan of Tiger, but I haven't been looking at this situation from one side. I do think that what he did was morally wrong, but if I was to judge him any further, then I'd be doing what I'm tired of hearing from other people. Call me close-minded in regards to this situation, but Tiger is the man. He admitted his flaws with straightforwardness and took full responsibility for his actions. What more could the public ask for, besides the fact that he shouldn't have done any of this in the first place?
To summarize it all, piss off Ernie and haters, come back strong, Tiger.


gracie. said...

well said!! or written rather... haha~
i just think he needs to go back and do what he does best.

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